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A clean environment soothes the allergies, but the cleaning itself can release the allergens and have you sneezing all day long. If your house chores are stirring up your allergies here are some useful tips to overcome that dilemma.

how to do your seasonal cleaning

1. Know your allergy

Get to the root of the problem! The best way to alleviate your allergies is to know what you are allergic to; you can easily find out by getting tested. If its pollen, keep your windows and doors closed during spring when the pollen count is elevated. It will be inevitable to avoid all contact with pollen but once you get home launder your clothing and wash up to eliminate carrying the pollen into your couches and bed.

2. Wash bedding every week

Dust mites are a common allergen indoors and they are usually found collectively in your bedding. To decrease their count switch out your bedding every week, wash all the sheets, comforter or duvet cover.

3. HEPA vacuum filters are your new best friend

Sweep your floors, carpets and rugs clean by using a vacuum with a HEPA filter. It is preferable that someone who doesn’t suffer from allergies does the vacuuming, but if it can’t be done, go ahead and wear a nose mask and goggles. Better yet, opt for wooden floors instead of rugs.

4. Clean curtains and upholstery

Allergens tend to cling to soft surfaces that is why it’s important to wash, dry-clean or vacuum drapes, as well as vacuum sofas and chairs to remove lingering allergens, and wash or dry-clean throw rugs.

5. Avoid harsh chemicals and odors

Fragrance free products can benefit allergy sufferers, when you are out shopping for cleaning agents, look for odorless or even think about natural ingredients you can use to avoid exacerbating your allergies.

6. Clean efficiently

Start cleaning from top to bottom, left to right, inside to out. Use a damp microfiber cloth instead of a feather duster to capture the dust particles in the flat surfaces, ceiling fans or blinds. And tackle all those areas that are usually forgotten.