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There are many reasons why people make a switch from using store bought cleaning chemicals to using natural ingredients to disinfect their homes. It may be because of nasal or skin allergies, environment conciseness or just a general preference. So let’s discuss what are some natural items you can use to clean around your home.

Essentials Oils

This is the key ingredient when you are talking about natural disinfectants and antiseptics because they inhibit the growth of bacteria and kill germs. They wrap around the odor molecules and deodorize them so they naturally purify the air instead of just masking an odor, leaving the air clean and fresh.

So what are some essential oils you can use?

  • Cinnamon: A very powerful antimicrobial, preventing virus spores, bacteria, and fungus.
  • Clove: It kills viruses and bacteria.
  • Lemon: Removes grease stains, brightener, and a disinfectant.
  • Lemongrass: The best oil for disinfecting and purifying.
  • Lime: It removes gum, wood stains, oil stains, and any grease spots on clothing.
  • Orange: Removes sticky adhesive residue from most surfaces.
  • Eucalyptus: It targets and eliminates bacteria, viruses, and fungi.
  • Thyme: Prevents fungi molds so it is naturally antibacterial.
  • Pine: Popularly used as a disinfectant.

Other ingredients

  • Citric Acid: Citric acid is a weak, water-soluble organic acid that comes from the fermentation of raw fruit sugar. It kills bacteria and mildew and also works great for removing calcium deposits, dirt, rust and residue buildup such as hard water and mineral deposits.
  • Vinegar: It kills up to 99.8% of all known bacteria.
  • Baking Soda: Deodorizes, removes stains, great for use in scrubbing and softens water.
  • Salt: Abrasive qualities for cleanser, water softener, stain remover.
  • Borax: Natural multi-purpose household cleaner.

how to use natural ingredients for cleaning

Now that you have read a basic rundown of many ingredients you can use to naturally clean, you can use them for tackling all the different cleaning jobs around the house during spring!