In Tips from Experienced Technicians

This is a really easy tip to apply in any cabinet around your home you are looking to organize, but most especially to use in the kitchen. Our proposal today is that you use shelf risers. If you are a new homeowner to be, moving into a new place or looking for ways to re-do your place, then this is a great tip for you.

organizing with shelf risers

What You Need


  • Shelf Risers
  • Containers


  • Tape measurer


  1. Clear everything out of the cabinet you wish to organize and use this as an opportunity to wipe down and clean the interior. You can also benefit from our tips on using natural ingredients to clean your house.
  2. Measure the width and height of the space (you’ll need these measurements later for picking up the correct shelf riser(s).
  3. We recommend using wax paper to line your cabinets, as we mentioned on one of our previous post, this will save you some cleaning and just replace ever so often.
  4. Organize the contents of your cabinet (like objects with like objects). Could be coordinating matching colors, size or function–whichever makes the most sense to you.
  5. Look around the house, and see if you can you repurpose old boxes and containers to place your belongings. If not, use clear containers to use as organizers and storage.
  6. Pick up shelf risers and any extra containers you may need from the store.
  7. Place like contents together in containers and label accordingly.
  8. Put the shelf risers into the cabinet.
  9. Play around with the arrangement of the containers until you can see and access all items easily.
  10. And Voila! Now you can access your stuff easily and house them in an organized manner.

Now that you have read the instructions, go ahead and makeshift in your home and keep your cabinets in top shape, as we mentioned you can use this idea to tackle different cabinets in your house, how about for the bathroom? Or closets? What else can you think of using this hack for?