In Our Repair Services

Now that you’ve invested in a new dishwasher, you want to make sure it will be working in top condition for years to come. At the first sign of problems, such as water leakage, you should call your dishwasher repair specialist to troubleshoot the problem and take care of repairs so your kitchen stays dry and dishes stay clean! Here are some common problems with dishwashers that may need repair and what you can do yourself to prevent them from happening again.

Standing Water Inside the Dishwasher: Possible Causes

Diagnosing Dishwasher Problems
Your dishwasher requires occasional service.

Standing water inside the dishwasher can lead to corrosion, mold growth, and staining. Here are some possible causes:

  • Poorly fitted or damaged door gasket
  • Water level too high in dishwasher
  • Improper installation of the dishwasher in the cabinets
  • Insufficient flow to drain due to clogged hose or kinked hose 

If you suspect that standing water is being caused by your hose, there are a few things you can do before calling for service. First, turn off the power and unplug the unit. Then, flush out the hose with hot water from the faucet or outdoor spigot. Next, check for any blockages in the hose. You may need to clear it using a piece of wire if necessary. Finally, check to make sure that the hose is not kinked or bent excessively near where it attaches to the house pipe. Once you have made these checks, reattach the hose and try running water through it again.

Water Outside the Dishwasher: Possible Causes

The first is that there is standing water in the bottom of the dishwasher, which will prevent it from draining. Standing water is also possible if there are leaks in your dishwasher, which can cause flooding and standing water on your kitchen floor. In both cases, you’ll want to turn off power to your dishwasher and inspect for any signs of damage or leaks. You may need to call a professional for any major issues like flooding or leaks under your sink.

Professional Technicians Will Repair Your Dishwasher Effectively

The dishwasher is one of the most useful appliances in your home. It helps you get dinner on the table so quickly and easily and it’s a great way to keep your dishes clean and organized. But there are some problems that can come up, such as low water pressure or leaks. You may have tried to fix these problems yourself, but if not, call All Area Appliance technicians for help!