In Tips from Experienced Technicians

5 Tips For Buying A New Freezer

If you are considering buying a new freezer, then there are a few things you should keep in mind. Here are a few helpful tips to help you choose the right one.

Freezer Size

The size of your new freezer will be determined by how much space you have in your home and by how much food you wish to store. It is important to keep in mind that the bigger the freezer, the more energy that it will take to run. This could mean higher energy bills if you choose very big freezer.Buying a Standalone Freezer


Cost is always important when buying a new appliance and a freezer is no different. It is a good idea to set out your budget before shopping in order to avoid getting disappointed. However, you should also keep in mind that energy-efficient models may cost more initially, but they will save money over time as they have lowering operating costs.

Energy Efficiency

install an energy-star freezer

Freezers are always on in order to be doing their job. This means that they will be using energy constantly. However, the amount of energy that is being used can be reduced by using a freezer that is Energy Star approved or energy-efficient can make a difference to your energy bill and environmental impact.

Organization Features

One of the main attractions for upright freezers is that they are usually loaded with organization features to help keep everything in order. Chest freezers usually do not have many options for organizing and usually end up being a big pile of frozen foods.That being said, some chest freezers do have a hanging basket option to help organize to some degree.

Manual vs. Self-Defrost

When a freezer accumulates a large amount of ice, the efficiency of the unit is decreased. This can be fixed by defrosting the machine, but this may require some work depending on the type of freezer that you have. Manual defrosting means unplugging the machine, removing all of your frozen food, and waiting for it to thaw. A self-defrosting model can save a lot of work and improve the unit’s energy efficiency, but is usually more expensive.