In Our Repair Services

Know Your Microwave

 How Microwaves Cook

Microwaves cook food by means of waves that are a type of electromagnetic radiation. This is how they work: the waves cause water molecules in food to vibrate. The vibrations, in turn, produce the heat that cooks food.

The waves can pass through glass, plastic, paper, and similar materials, and are absorbed by food. Don’t worry, because the radiation produced by microwaves doesn’t have the same risks as X-rays and therefore cannot cause harm to human cells.

If you are doubting about what appliance to use to cook your dinner, you have to decide if you care about energy-efficiency or the taste of your food. Microwaves use less energy, but the food tastes better in a conventional oven.

Safety Tips

Each oven design is different, so consumers cannot be 100% sure that microwave radiation is not being emitted.

Follow the instructions below to cook safely and efficiently.

1. Do not use microwave ovens when they are empty and do not heat water or liquids longer than the manufacturer’s instructions.

2. If possible, use cookware specially manufactured for use in a microwave oven. Never use metal pans or aluminum foil because microwaves reflect off them. Some plastic containers might melt. The FDA recomTips to protect appliancesmends using glass, ceramic, and plastic containers labeled for microwave oven use.

3. Avoid super-heated water. If you use a microwave oven to heat water in a clean cup beyond the boiling temperature, the water can explode out of the cup.

4. Always check the door. If the door hinges, latch, or seals are damaged there could be radiation leaking from the oven. Do not use an oven if the door doesn’t close firmly or is bent.

5. Stop using the microwaves that operate when the door is open. 

Microwave ovens cook food quickly and it takes no time to clean them. So, take advantage of these ovens, but if you need to repair them, just call All Area Appliance Service. We provide reliable appliances service in the Denver area. When you need professional appliance repair, hire the appliance experts of All Area Appliance Service in Parker, CO