In Our Repair Services

Lowering Your Electricity Bills

Your appliance choices can help reducing your electricity bill. Hotter months are ahead of us, and with the rising temperatures, comes another sudden increase: Our household electricity bills. With A/C operating much longer than usual and refrigerators on full blast, expect a spike on your monthly power readings.

Choosing Cost- and Energy-Efficient Appliances

Let’s review the appliances you use. Here are some tips to help you pick cost- and energy-efficient appliances for your home:

  1. “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it” this does not always apply. In home appliance, efficiency declines over time, so while your fridge from the 80s may look like it’s working just fine, your electric bill will definitely tell you otherwise.
  2. Regular maintenance is a key player in making sure your appliances remain efficient for longer. Consult a reliable appliance service repair or store and avail of their appliance cleaning and maintenance services to make sure your needs are dealt with by professionals.
  3. Check if your computer, laptop or TV has a power saving mode to enjoy your shows and movies with less energy consumption.
  4. Pay attention to the energy efficiency ratio or factor (EER/EEF). Look for appliances with a higher number on the EER/EEF label as this indicates better energy saving performance.

Choosing Cost- and Energy-Efficient AppliancesWhen choosing refrigerators and A/Cs, consider getting one with inverter technology. Inverter-enabled these appliances employ smarter temperature controls, which allow regulated cooling at a fraction of the operating cost.

Consider getting a newer model of washing machine, and also try getting one that incorporates water-saving features and takes eco-friendly living to another level.

Even the smallest of changes can make a big difference. Upgrade your home to one that is energy efficient and kind to the environment.

Going green? Make the shift easier and ask All Area Appliance Repair experts about, maintenance & installation services for your appliances in Denver.

Choosing Cost- and Energy-Efficient Appliances

Do your house and the earth some good!