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Unexpected Laundry Tips

Laundry seems pretty straightforward. Put your clothes in the washing machine and then put them in the dryer. However, there is a little more to it than that if you want your clothes to last and your machine to be maintained. Here are a few tips that will help you get the most out of your laundry practices.

Washing machine

Check Your Clothing Tags

Most people never even glance at the little tags on the back of your clothes. However, these contain important information about how to clean and dry your clothes. Following these instructions will help you clean better.

Whites Only

It is important to keep all of your white clothes together in order to prevent dark or colored clothes from staining the white materials. If you want to touch up your white clothes, you can add a little bleach, borax, washing soda, or even vinegar to help.

Dark Clothes

The more often you wash dark clothes, the faster the color will fade. Use cold water and turn everything inside out to preserve their color for longer.

Heavy Stains

Heavy stains should be pre-treated with a stain remover prior to washing. This will help get wine, coffee, blood, ink, or grass out from most clothes.

Towels Separate

Wash your towels separately. This will help keep them from rubbing on other more delicate materials and keep your clothes in better condition.

Get Rid Of Mildew

If you have ever forgotten a load of laundry in the machine, you are probably aware of the smell that seems to stick around after. To get rid of that funk, simply wash that load of clothes again.

Wash New Clothes In Cold Water

In order to avoid dyes or color bleeding on your other clothes, you should always wash new garments in cold water first.

If you require any washer or large appliance maintenance in Denver, please contact All Area Appliance in Denver. Washer repair