In Our Repair Services

Modern refrigerators are designed to be reasonably silent, so unusual noises are often an indication of a severe problem. You may need to call refrigerator repair services to fix the issue and ensure the fridge is functioning correctly.

When You Need to Call in Experts

Many people ignore unusual noises coming from such appliances until they get genuinely distracting. That can lead to problems down the line or even unexpected breakdowns. If you hear some strange sounds, unplug your fridge and call a technician immediately. They will examine the appliance and offer repair solutions. In most cases, a refrigerator would only need some servicing.

Fridge Common Issues and Their Causes

professional home appliance technician
Paying attention to your fridge wearing signs can avoid expensive issues.

Different noises from the fridge mean different things. A trained refrigerator repair technician will analyze these noises and determine what has gone wrong. Here’s a look at the fridge common issues and what they indicate:

  • Rattling Noises from the Bottom – Rattling noises from the bottom of the refrigerator indicate a loose drain pan. You need to set it back in place to reduce the noise.
  • Noises from the Back of a Fridge – These often indicate a problem with the compressor or condenser fan. Try cleaning the fan or compressor to see if the noise goes away. If it does not, call refrigerator repair services to get the issue fixed.
  • Noises From the Inside – You will hear squeaking or rattling noises if the circulating fan is damaged or malfunctioning. You can double-check this by switching off the fridge light. If the noise increases, the problem lies with the fan, and you will need to replace it.
  • Electrical Buzzing Sound – An electrical buzzing sound is often an indication of the fridge light malfunctioning. Replace the light bulb to stop the noise and ensure the inside is well-lit.
  • Clicking Sounds from the Ice Maker – If the ice maker is making noise, you need to check the water line valve. A loose or disconnected valve often causes noise.  
  • Knocking Sounds – Knocking sounds from the refrigerator indicate a condenser failure or fan motor malfunction. You will need to hire a professional to assess and repair the issue. 

If you are facing fridge common issues, contact us for some advice and assistance. Experienced technicians know these devices well and will be able to identify the root cause of the problem.