In Tips from Experienced Technicians

Essential Tips For Heavy Duty Kitchen Cleaning

Cleaning your kitchen can be tough, especially when the mess has piled up. This guide has been set up to help you make the task easy and quick. Follow along for the path to a clean kitchen!

Step-by-Step Guide To Kitchen Cleaning

The first step to cleaning your kitchen is breaking down the big task into smaller tasks. This will help you stay on track and take everything one step at a time.

dishwasher tips

The Pre-Clean

First, clean and put away all of the dirty dishes.

Wipe down the countertops and kitchen surfaces.

Clear out anything that doesn’t belong in the kitchen.

Pantry Clean Out

First, take out everything from the pantry and put it on a table or countertop.

Look through all of the food and throw away anything that is expired, stale or empty.

Donate any unwanted unperishable food so it doesn’t go to waste.

Wipe down the inside of the pantry with warm water and soap.

Thoroughly dry the shelves before putting all of the food back in the cabinet.

Organize the items to your preference.

Quick Tip: Put the oldest items in the front so they are more likely to be used.paper vs cloth

Clean Out The Other Cupboards

Take out any food items, dishes or cookware and place everything on a table or countertop.

Throw away anything that is useless, expired, or broken.

Clean all the shelves with warm water and soap.

Dry entirely before putting everything back in place.

Organize to your preference.

Quick Tip: Put the most frequently used items closest to the front.

Clean Out the Fridge & Freezer

Take out everything from the fridge and put it on a table or countertop.

Look through the food and throw out anything that has gone bad.

Clean the shelves and drawers with warm water and soap.

Remove any magnets or notes from the outside of the fridge. Refrigerator

Polish the exterior of the fridge.

Put everything back in place and organize as you see fit.

If you are interested in other kitchen cleaning tips check out our other articles.