In Our Repair Services

Today we are kicking things off with an easy potpourri that simmers on the stove all day long, it scents your home in the loveliest way. Like a candle, it is a great way to get your house smelling warm and welcoming. Also it is a super simple way to scent your home in a pleasant way without the chemicals of sprays and store bought fragrances.

Herbal tea

All you need:

  • Citrus fruits: Use any citrus fruit you prefer, these hold sturdy are long lasting and will give your house a fresh smell. Lemons and oranges are particularly fragrant and have the best staying power in these scented waters.
  • Herbs: Any herb can be used for making a room scent, but the ones that hold up the best are rosemary and thyme.
  • Pine or cedar twigs/needles: These trees are very fragrant and will provide an appealing smell to your house. You could also experiment with other type of trees like eucalyptus.
  • Extracts: A touch of vanilla or almond extract improves most room fragrance mixtures. Mint extract has a nice fresh scent.
  • Spices: You can use ground or whole sweet spices. The whole spices look prettier in your scented water, especially if you will place it in a place your guests will see.


  1. Oranges, cinnamon & cloves.
  2. Lemon, rosemary, & vanilla.
  3. Lime, thyme, mint & vanilla extract.
  4. Orange, ginger (fresh or powdered), and almond extract
  5. Pine or cedar twigs (or other fragrant twigs), bay leaves, and nutmeg.


Combine all the ingredients in a medium size sauce pot. Fill the pot with water until it reaches 3/4 the way full. Place the pot on the stove and bring to a gentle boil. Reduce the heat to a simmer, adding more water as needed. All of these popurri mixtures can be reheated for several days, just make sure to keep adding water.