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Tips for using the pressure cooker

For those people who do not have enough time and have to devote time to other household chores, the pressure cooker is an excellent alternative to save time and electricity.

Thanks to the pressure cooker, you can prepare recipes for prolonged cooking in a few minutes.

There are different types of pressure cookers that are offered in the market. They have a lid system that, using a hermetically closed device, allows food to cook at a temperature between 230 and 248 ° F. The water inside evaporates and finds no outlet, increasing the pressure. In this way, food cooks quickly, and by not being in contact with the air, it maintains the taste.

The different pressure cooker manufacturers include a brochure on how to use the pressure cooker, proper care, cooking times for various foods, and even some recipes.

popular, new, and practical air fryer

Large, open, modern kitchen

To be sure that the pot is clean enough when we buy it, and before using, you should boil two glasses of milk. After this, wash with regular detergent; be careful not to use anything abrasive within.

After this process, the pot is washed typically, like any other pot.

Also, make sure to remove the rubber ring that seals the pot and wash it after each use with soap or detergent and then allow it to dry.

When storing the pot after using and washing it, the lid must be left supported so that air enters.

When cooking in the pressure cooker, do not fill the pot more than two-thirds of its capacity. It is crucial to use the correct amount of liquid so that food cooks properly.

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