In Our Repair Services, Tips from Experienced Technicians

Are you tired of having dishes come out of the dishwasher with food still on them? If so, you could benefit from the tips we have brought you today. Learning how to load the dishwasher properly can help ensure that your dishes come out sparkling clean every time. In this blog post, we’ll provide you with helpful advice on how to load the dishwasher like a pro. Keep reading to learn more!

How to Accommodate all Dishes

How to solve problems with your dishwawher
Proper use and load of your dishwasher will avoid performance issues.

Accommodating all dishes in the dishwasher is a challenge, but with some simple tips, it’s possible to load the dishwasher like a pro! To ensure all dishes fit in the dishwasher, it is important to place large dishes such as plates and pans on the bottom rack, and smaller dishes such as glasses and mugs on the top rack. Make sure to avoid stacking dishes too high and blocking the spray arm, as this will affect the cleaning performance of the dishwasher.

To make the best use of space, try to arrange the dishes so that they are slightly overlapping each other and facing downward toward the center of the dishwasher. Additionally, avoid putting sharp items such as knives on the lower rack as they can scratch the plastic coating. Finally, be sure to check the manufacturer’s guidelines for specific advice on how to fit all dishes in the dishwasher. By following these tips, you can load the dishwasher efficiently and maximize its cleaning power.

How to Load Cutlery

When it comes to loading your dishwasher, proper organization of the cutlery is key. To ensure that your cutlery is properly cleaned and free of food residue, follow these simple steps:

  • Start by placing forks and spoons in the bottom rack. Forks should point down and spoons should point up. This will help ensure that water reaches all of the surfaces.
  • Place knives and sharp utensils in the top rack so that they are out of reach for young children.
  • Utilize the specialized tines and prongs on the lower and upper racks. These are designed to accommodate smaller items like teaspoons and large items like ladles or serving spoons.
  • Make sure that all of the cutlery is facing the same direction and that nothing is overlapping. This will help ensure that water can properly circulate around each piece.

If you need help with your dishwasher, contact All Area Appliance to get the best residential dishwasher service in Colorado.