In Tips from Experienced Technicians

Kitchen Hacks to Eliminate Odors From Your Fridge

No one likes a stinky fridge. Here are a few easy ways to eliminate bad smells in your refrigerator.

Eliminate Stink

The first step to getting rid of a bad smell is to determine the source. Check behind fridge drawers and in every corner for old food or spills.

Fridge Cleaning

If you can’t find anything in particular, the fridge might just be retaining some old smells. Give it a good clean with hot water and non-toxic cleaners.

Absorb the Smell

Another good technique is to try to absorb the smell. The most common method is an open box of baking soda, but people also use newspaper and even cat litter. Absorbing smells is a good preventative measure, but make sure the fridge is clean before relying on this method.

Let it Air Out

If the odor still remains, then you may need to empty the fridge, disconnect it, and then let it air out for a few days. Don’t forget to keep the door open.

Hide the Smell

professional home appliance technicianAnother method is to try to hide the smell. This can be done by using extracts, essential oils on the doors, or even coffee grinds on a plate in the fridge. However, this really isn’t a fix for a dirty fridge. If cleaning doesn’t work, then try this method.

Move Out or Live with It

If you have tried everything and the mysterious stink still exists, then you might have to accept the fact that it isn’t going anywhere. This means you can either live with it or get a new fridge.


Use these tips to eliminate bad smells from your fridge! If you require any other home appliance assistance or fridge repairs, feel free to contact one of our professional appliance technicians at All Area Appliance Repair.