In Tips from Experienced Technicians

Refrigerator Features Worth a Look

If you are in the market for a new refrigerator or you want to replace your old device, it pays off to consider the latest innovations, especially since manufacturers regularly include new features to differentiate their devices.

New Refrigerator Features

Here are some of the most appealing refrigerator features on the market.

Speed Chilling

Adding hot items to the refrigerator, say a hot pot of chili, can cause temperature fluctuations. Even room-temperature items from the supermarket send the temperature soaring, which is bad for foods already in the fridge. Thus, the arrival of quick-chill settings, including the Maytag PowerCold feature. This function is available for Viking VCBB5363E built-in, KitchenAid KRMF706EBS five-door, and LG LTCS20220S top-freezer.

Five-Door Configurationsappealing refrigerator features on the market

Four-door refrigerators are now commonplace. These days, there are five-door fridges that have a unique interior platinum finish. For the exterior, you can choose between standard stainless steel and new fingerprint-resistant black stainless steel.

Built-in Adjustable Humidity

Humidity-controlled drawers are standard on conventional fridges, but we have not seen many built-in models with the feature, which can help keep vegetables and fruits fresh. The new Viking VCBB5363E 36-inch-wide built-in bottom-freezer is an exception, featuring a pair of adjustable humidity drawers with soft-close slides. This model delivers exceptional temperature control.

Hot Water DispensersNew Refrigerator Features

Getting cold water from the fridge is nothing new, but now, you can also getting hot water! For example, the GE Café CYE22TSHSS is a model to serve up this refrigerator feature. Select from 1 of 4 preprogrammed settings, ranging from 90° F to 185° F. The 36-inch-wide French-door fridge also comes with a cabinet-depth design for a more streamlined look.

Trickle-Down Efficiency

Linear compressors limit temperature variances inside the fridge. That not only diminishes power consumption but can also help preserve food. The innovation used to be reserved for pricier models, but we see this new feature on less-expensive top-freezers, including the top-rated.

So, if you need a to buy a new refrigerator, remember these cool features.

Looking for refrigerator installation or repair in Colorado? Contact All Area Appliance repair services. We can help not only with your fridge but with all home appliance installation & repair in Denver.