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How to clean and maintain the coffee maker

Maybe you wouldn´t think that cleaning the coffee maker is essential. But when you buy a coffee maker, you should know that its cleaning and maintenance is necessary for good tasting and quality in the coffee prepared.

Keep excellent tasting coffee!

Steps to clean and maintain your coffee makerExpensive or cheap coffee maker?

1) The water with which we prepare coffee leaves mineral residues, which over time, form deposits; this is what we know as tartar. That can ruin the coffee maker, so it is crucial to be cleaning it often so that it works properly. It is more critical if the water where you live contains a considerable amount of minerals. These can even clog the ducts.

2) Manufacturers generally recommend cleaning the coffee maker every 6 months, if the water source is regular and 3 months if it is hard water. If you use the coffee maker every day, clean it more often. Maintenance times also depend on the type of coffee. If it is an express coffee maker, it will not require much water and steam, while the cappuccinos do.

3) Modern coffee machines have a light that indicates when they have a lot of tartar and cleaning is necessary. Clean the normal and traditional ones that use a filter, with a solution of one part of vinegar for two of water. Pour the solution into the tank and operate it. Once the cycle cleaning tips for the ovenfinishes, discard the filter and throw the solution away. Allow the coffee maker to cool for 10 or 15 minutes, and rinse the coffee maker with clean water until there is no vinegar smell.

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