In Our Repair Services

Ovens should be cleaned regularly to maintain consistent performance. An unclean appliance can compromise your food’s quality, flavor, and even cause health problems. Fortunately, it is easier to keep modern ovens in good condition because they have self-cleaning features. Owners should also call appliance repair experts for more thorough maintenance once or twice a year.

Types of Ovens

Baking apple pie for Christmas
Your oven should always be clean and tidy to provide healthy, quality and delicious meals.

You may have come across terms like catalytic, pyrolytic, and steam-cleaning ovens during an oven buying adventure. These are the three most common types of appliances available today. Here’s a look at them:

  • Catalytic Cleaning – Catalytic cleaning ovens are popular because they are affordable. They have porous interior walls that absorb cooking grease, keeping the interior clean at all times. These ovens switch to their maximum temperature for 10-15 after every use to remove all residues.
  • Pyrolytic Cleaning –Pyrolitic cleaning eliminates both sugar and fat, which means the oven doesn’t require any additional cleaning later. The unit’s temperature rises to over 500°C during a cleaning cycle, burning everything inside completely. While this appliance is more expensive, it has a lower cost of ownership compared to catalytic cleaning ovens.
  • Steam-Cleaning – Hydrolysis is a simple, effective, and eco-friendly way of cleaning ovens. The appliance uses a steam bath to remove all grease, debris, and stubborn stains. Once cleaning is complete, you only need to wipe the interiors down with a sponge.

All of these oven self-cleaningoptions have some pros and cons. Consult with a repair expert before investing in a product. These appliances are designed to last for anywhere between 15 and 17 years so putting some thought into the purchase is a good idea.

What is Better for Your Lifestyle?

Steam-cleaning ovens are a great choice for a household because they are simple, easy-to-use, and don’t consume much energy. If you’re concerned about the environment and need something that won’t have a big impact on it, steam-cleaning ovens are a good choice.

Pyrolyticovens are suitable for people who both cook and bake cakes often. These oven self-cleaningappliances can remove grease and sugar, which makes them ideal for professional kitchens. They are also a great choice for baking enthusiasts.

Catalytic ovens are for people who don’t bake bread or cakes often but use the appliance for roasting meat and vegetables. Contact us if you need oven buying advice or assistance. Experienced technicians will take your requirements into account and recommend the best products. A reliable professional will offer straightforward, unbiased recommendations based on real-life experience with the appliances.