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Here is a list of five things that shouldn’t go uncleaned on a daily basis.  Get them done everyday and make it part of your strict cleaning routine, unless you are enjoying some vacations or you are sick, of course. Let’s start naming the handful of tasks…

dishwasher tips

1. Dishes

Do not lets all those dishes pile up! You can quickly hand wash them or stick them in the dishwasher, even when you don’t have enough start the load. Keeping this main area dishes free will make your kitchen organized and clean. Also take it the extra mile and quickly wipe your sink clean.

2. Bathroom sink

You know you see all those collected blobs of toothpaste every morning. The bathroom sink is where you, your family and guest wash your hands and brush you teeth, it sure is worth it to keep as clean as possible to avoid germs accumulating.

3. Kitchen counters

All it takes is a few sprays of multipurpose kitchen cleaner and a few quick swipes to get your counters looking their best.

4. Sweep the kitchen floor

We know what you are thinking, why so much kitchen cleaning? Well because we use it so much and its also the first places bugs will invade when it is dirty. You don’t want bugs crawling all over your kitchen. Avoid it by sweeping the crumbs from the floor.

5. The nightstand

You may think this might be an odd one, but we don’t think so: it’s the closest place to your face for hours and hours a day. Letting dust build up can mean more dust being inhaled while you’re at your most vulnerable. A quick swipe will keep dust and grime off this small area.

We are interested in hearing, what would you add or subtract from this list? Share below!