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How to keep the washer working efficiently

The washing machine is a standard device in most homes, it has several buttons that we never use, and many of them have a specific function that can help us optimize the operation of the washing machine.

On many occasions, the clothes do not come out as clean as we expect, and this is because we are not using the washing machine correctly.

When we buy the washing machine, we have to read the instruction manual carefully; what we are trying to do is to use well and improve the washing cycles and the temperature.

Some tips that apply to any washing machine and optimize its use.

Tips to use washing machine efficiently

Washing machine

1) Do not recharge the washing machine

What happens when it is recharged, is that the drum loses its balance and does not work well in the spinning cycle.

2) Mix large garments with small ones

This is to balance the load on the drum; the unbalanced loads cause noise, movement, vibration, and damage the machine.

3) Stains and soap

If we have a stain on a garment, this is not fixed by putting in more detergent; it is better to try to remove the stain before putting it in the washing machine, using a lot of soap can cause problems.  The proof is if the clothes smell too much like detergent or are stiff.

4) Cleaning

It is recommended to clean the washing machine once a month. You should run a wash cycle with hot water to eliminate bacteria. Other suggestions are to put white vinegar or chlorine in the soap compartment. Also, clean the door and the rubber parts with a non-abrasive

how to clean the washer

product, to eliminate accumulated substances and prevent the formation of mold.

It is essential to remove the soap and softener compartment and wash them with a brush and hot water.

Are you having trouble with your washer or dryer?

I work on all brands of washers with high-efficiency technology and computer technology. We know the feeling when you realize your appliance warranty has expired. I’ll do a full diagnostic and quote you a price before finishing the work. My prices are very competitive and fair. At All Area Appliance quality is everything. We don’t consider a job complete until it is completely fixed, to your expectation. Get an Estimate today.