In Our Repair Services

So, your refrigerator has broken down, and you’ve contacted a professional to come and take a look at it. But, what should you do to prepare your refrigerator for repair, so it’s ready for the technician to service it? 

Preparing Your Refrigerator for Service

Refrigerator Repair
Clear the space around your refrigerator prior to the repair person coming to make the process quicker and easier.

Before the technician arrives, you can do a few things to make the job quicker and easier. It takes very little time to compile everything you need for a smooth repair service, but it will make a huge difference. Remember that when your repairs take less time, they’re likely to cost you less, so it’s in your best interest to get your kitchen prepared beforehand! 

Find any relevant paperwork. This includes the warranty for the refrigerator and documents from any previous repairs that you’ve had done on the appliance. If you can have this ready prior to the repair person coming, things will be much easier. It saves you scrambling around trying to locate it while they are waiting in your home. 

Professional Appliance Service

To prepare your refrigerator for repair, you may also need to clear the area around it. Move any clutter from the refrigerator door and give the surrounding kitchen countertop space a good clean. The repair person might need to use large tools, and they may wish to pull the refrigerator forward to take a look at the back of it. Ensuring the surrounding kitchen area is nice and open will immediately make things much smoother. 

It’s simple and easy to prepare your refrigerator for repair using the steps above.  If you need professional appliance repair services, Contact a member of our team here at All Area Appliance, and we can get your home appliances fixed in no time!