In Our Repair Services

A clogged dishwasher is a headache to deal with. Water being stuck in the sink. Trying to use a plunger to try and free up the pipe. It’s an unpleasant experience that could prove costly if you try too hard to fix the problem. 

These helpful tips to improve dishwasher efficiency will ensure you don’t need to spend a ton of money to have a dishwashing problem fixed

Smart Home Appliances
Simple measures can ease the strain on your dishwasher.

What Simple Ways Can You Improve Dishwasher Efficiency?

One of the easiest ways to improve dishwasher efficiency is to prevent food particles from clogging up the drain. Make sure you scrape your food bits before you put your dishes in the dishwasher. 

Additionally, you should organize your dishwasher correctly. Never over-crowd the dishes as they can prevent water from easily going down the drain. Make sure you choose the correct cycle as well. Don’t choose the short cycle for a full, dirty load. Ensure you clean the dirt trap thoroughly after each cycle. And, if your detergent already has a rinse aid, don’t add extra rinse aid and overcomplicate things.

Some Additional Tips

Another way to improve dishwasher efficiency is by running hot water before starting the cycle. This ensures that your cycle starts with hot water rather than starting with cold water while waiting for the hot water to come on. 

You can also test the quality of your water as hard water causes streaks and won’t clean efficiently. Soft water is considerably better for your dishwasher.

For effective same-day service to improve dishwasher efficiency, contact us today to help you repair your dishwashing issues. We also service refrigerators, freezers, washing machines and dryers!