Other Speciality Types of Fridges
Here is a selection of less-common types of fridges with a few special features.
Refrigerator Styles
The French Door Fridge
This fridge is the combination between a bottom-freezer model and a side-by-side model. The french doors open for access to the refrigerator compartment but take up less space to open than a normal fridge.
There are three-door models, as well as four-door models that provide access to two freezer compartments.
Advantages: Great aesthetic choice. Shorter fridge doors accommodate smaller kitchen spaces. Extremely versatile with many options for organization and storage.
Disadvantages: Despite their advantages, they are some of the most expensive styles of fridges.
Counter-Depth (Full-Size)
Counter-depth fridges are usually similar to the french door style, but they have a shallower profile in order to align with standard cabinetry sizes. This is to help fridges blend seamlessly with a kitchen’s design.
The compact fridge is a small version of a traditional fridge. They are usually found in dorms, offices, and garages. They are good for light use, but they usually do not include much freezer space. Freezers are usually a tinier compartment inside of the fridge.
Freezer-less fridges are fridges without any freezer space at all. They are good for people who have a separate freezer or have no need to freeze anything at all.
Wine & Beverage Coolers
These are fridges that are designed specifically for cooling wine and other drinks. They are sometimes known as ‘cellars’ and they come in a variety of sizes ranging from compact to full-size fridges. They are built for easy organization of bottles and drinks. They may contain multiple temperature zones in some of the deluxe models.
If you require any repair or maintenance for any style of fridge or any other home & kitchen appliance, All Area Appliances would be happy to help.