In Our Repair Services, Tips from Experienced Technicians

Important to know: Failure to follow these tips may cause a fire


Things you should never overlook
when running your dryer

Most homes in Parker, as in the rest of Colorado, own a dryer. This is because dryers are reliable appliances when used correctly. But many of us are unaware that it can also be one of the most dangerous home appliances if you don’t take proper care of it. Whether your dryer is powered by gas or electricity, you should make sure to follow specific care tips to avoid needing any repairs. When in doubt, don’t hesitate to call All Area Appliances to help you inspect or repair your dryer.

Clean your dryers lint trap

Clean your dryer’s lint trap

Clean the dryer’s lint trap.

Remove fibers left after each cycle. The lint trap keeps any fabric or dust from getting pumped into the vent tubes. This is super important because clogs can lead to fire hazard. Clean your lint filter and remember to put it back. Never under any circumstance run the dryer without it.

Clean the vent pipe.

Yearly cleaning is ideal and most of us can even do it ourselves. However, if you’ve never had it done or you just recently bought a used dryer (or a house that came with all the appliances) the best idea is to have a professional come check it out and clean it properly. An appliance technician can show you how to perform this yearly check to ensure the vent pipe isn’t getting backed up.

Inspect the exhaust pipes.

They shouldn’t be bent, pinched, or restricted in any way. Double check that the exhaust vent flaps open easily to ensure that you have proper ventilation. Obstructed ducts are the number one cause of thousands of house fires every year, don’t let this happen to you!

Never leave the dryer running without supervision.

It’s not a good idea to turn on the dryer just as you’re running out the door. You should never leave big appliances running unless you are home to supervise that nothing sounds or smells bad.

Never, ever, ever dry flammable materials.

Don’t put items in the dryer that are made of flammable materials or that may have traces of flammable substances on them, such as alcohol, gas, paint thinner or cooking oil. Your dryer could explode and cause a fire. Items that could burn like boxes or paper must not be near the machine. Clean around the dryer regularly to keep any lint or potentially flammable objects or substances at a safe distance or preferably in a different room.

washer and dryer repair services

Washer and dryer repair services in Parker

Gas dryer safety.

If you smell even a minimal hint of gas, immediately put out all smoking materials or open flames that could ignite the gas and leave the building as quickly as possible. If you know how to shut off your gas source, then go ahead and do so. Immediately call your gas provider to report the leak. Or call immediately call 911 if they can’t be reached.

The bottom line is that if you aren’t sure that everything is operating safely, have a professional come check. All Area Appliance Repair technicians will happily assist with any doubt.

Keep your home safe during the Holidays!