In Our Repair Services

Tips to clean a food processor

Even if it is a hard job, if you need to clean a food processor, you must separate all the accessories that this device has, and clean them one by one. Don´t worry! You will see that this will not take long and the results will be incredible. In a very short time, you will have the food processor clean and new. It is very important to clean the food processor periodically so that the food sediments do not accumulate in the equipment, and that bacteria and microorganisms will not infect the food.

Cleaning the food processor engine

The engine is crucial in the performance of the functions of a food processor. These are the steps to follow:

  • Take a dry cloth
  • Disconnect the appliance
  • Rub to remove the dust particles
  • Then use a wet cloth, with a little soap and well-drained, to wipe it off
  • Be careful not to get water inside which could cause a more significant problem
  • Sometimes dirt is the guilty agent that spoils electrical appliances

Cleaning the glassclean food processor properly

  • If possible, remove the blades from the glass first and then clean the glass
  • Remove the sediment of food with a sponge moistened with water
  • If burned, rub more strongly to remove the remains
  • Then rinse it with plenty of water and let it dry
  • Do not assemble the food processor until the glass is completely dry

Cleaning the blades

  • Be careful with the blades because they can produce unwanted cuts
  • Put them under the tap and rub them carefully using a scrubber
  • Once the blades are clean, rinse them thoroughly and wait for them to dry
  • Remember!  It is essential to wait for all the accessories, including the jar, to be dry so that when plugged in there is no problem with electricity

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