In Tips from Experienced Technicians

Inspecting Garage Sales Appliances

For some people, garage sales are an attractive option for buying home appliances. This type of sale offers much more economical prices than home appliance retailers. Before embarking in search of a good idea, we want you to make a garage sale purchase with confidence.

Check the Paperwork

Look for appliances that come with warranties & instructions from the original purchase. If those are not available, check if any of the paperwork is accessible online. Many retailers make information such as model numbers available on the Internet. This can also make it easier for you to do a quick search on your smartphone to reference the machine’s current retail price.

Do a Demo Run

Be cautious of sellers who refuse to demonstrate the appliance. While you may not be able to wait for a whole load of laundry, a power cord should be available to turn the device off and on and go through a few functions, at the very least. If you do not see one, just ask.

Haggle Smart

Garaga for Sale Home AppliancesMany sellers advertise their items on Craigslist a few days before the actual sale. If it is stated that the price is “firm,” do not bother haggling. That’s the seller’s fixed price. On the other hand, if the seller states the price as “best offer,” you can name your price.

Do Your Homework

There are lots of reliable websites with good information for you to be able to buy with confidence. Looking to replace your broken or old washer? Make sure it does not create excessive noise. This could be a sign the appliance is off-balance, or the motor or drum may be loose.

If you need a fridge, a good place to inspect is the sealing system around the doors. If the sealing is worn, then the fridge is more likely to let warm air in and cool air out.

If you need more advice on this matter, do not hesitate to reach out to a reputable home appliance repair company. All Area Appliance Repair has earned a reputation for providing the highest quality of services in the area. We serve Parker and the surrounding areas of Centennial, Littleton, and Aurora, as well as the areas in-between.reputable home appliance repair company