In Tips from Experienced Technicians

Perhaps you feel it is too early to even start thinking about packing the Christmas lights you’ve put up, yet with a little preparation you will be able to save much unnecessary extra work next year. We all know the most tedious part about decorating the tree is untangling all the lights so here are some very easy ways you can pack your lights to ensure a tangle free Christmas next year! With a few weeks left you have enough time to gather these key things to prepare and protect your holiday decor, the best part is you don’t need to buy anything, all of these are using recycled Holiday items.

  1. Cardboard: How about recycling some of the cardboard boxes your received with your gifts. Just go ahead and pick out the heavy pieces of the cardboard into rectangles that measure about 12 inches by 6 inches. Then using scissors, cut a small slit on both sides of the cardboard so that you can hook one end of the lights. Then just follow by wrapping the lights around feeding the cord inside the slits. Once you’ve reached the end of the cord cut another slit where it ends and attach it there. Go ahead and also use that tissue paper you received with your gifts as padding to protect the lights! This is a great way to avoid them getting broken.
  2. Wire zip ties: The advantage about wire zip ties is that they are inexpensive and easy to get in stores or online. To use them for your lights, begin by wrapping the lights string around your hand and elbow, looping it into a circle, once you are finished, use the zip ties to secure the cord in 3 places. Then you can pack the lights into individual ziplock bags or reuse your grocery bags.
  3. Large cardboard cans: You can use a large chip cans to store your lights by cutting a hole at the bottom and lid of the can then inserting the string. Continue wrapping the cord, going in and out of the can. Then just snap the end of the cord with the beginning so that it is tightly enclosed. Easily store these rolls in a box but first protect the light bulbs by using newspaper to protect them from any damage.

And violá! Just by spending some extra minutes and preparation you can put away your lights tangle-free and avoid all the struggle next year. What else do you think you could easily recycle and use to store your Christmas decor?