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For many people winter is a dreaded season, but here’s half a dozen ways you can enjoy winter. Gather your friends or family, and get all these done before the snow is gone!

6 tips to enjoy your winter season

1. How about feasting on all your seasonal favorites! We all have those warm drinks and meal we enjoy during this time of year. So take this season to indulge in your favorite stews, soups and any other cold-weather favorites. Since it’s cold outside, this is the perfect time of year to get cooking and baking, plus it keeps the house warm.

2. Wear all your cold weather outfits. Take all those winter outfits out for a spin, get out and enjoy showing that lovely coat.

3. Catch up on all those TV shows. You know you’ve been enjoying the fresh air during spring, summer and fall, so go ahead and catch up on all those movies and tv shows. Gather your family or friends and make the most of the below-zero weather. Also, refer back to tip #1!

4. Light your fireplace. If you’re lucky enough to own a fireplace, now is the time to use it. Take advantage and read by the light of it.

winter getaway

5. Go on a mini getaway. Most likely, all those state park near you are renting out those cabins for cheap. They’re surrounded by hiking trails, most have fireplaces (see above), and most importantly they provide a change of scenery… it will probably be an incredible short trip you wont regret in the middle of the winter madness.

6. Plan that daydream garden. Take this time to plan and sketch out a garden plan, maybe you want to plant some beautiful flowers or herbs. Your garden plan will soon be on it way, try collection some seeds and any other supplies you might need before spring comes. Maybe even browse the web for a patio set?

Let us know, what are your favorite tricks for surviving and enjoying winter?