In Our Repair Services

You may or may not be a list keeper by nature but one thing is for certain, keeping lists helps us achieve many tasks we might otherwise forget. So this weekend consider making one or all of these lists to help you run your life and home much smoother.

1. Your daily to-do list

This is probably the one you’ve got figured out and use it daily. You know like all those things you have to do on a day to day basis, mostly work related or errands. Go ahead and put in here your morning routine and all those cleaning tasks. Here’s a secret, break each task into smaller details, that way you make sure you have all the right items to achieve something.

2. A repair list

The endless story, a light bulbs needs changing, a door squeaks, the toaster oven is broken, etc. While the best thing would be to fix things immediately when it breaks, we don’t always follow this great practice. So put it on the list to tackle during your free time, weekends or calling a repair shop. Keep this list where you can easily spot it like on your fridge or wallet, that way next time you pay a visit to the hardware store you can easily pick up the tools and supplies to repair that broken item.

3. A weekly, monthly and yearly maintenance schedule

Some cleaning and/or maintenance tasks only need to be done several times a year or ever so often, so we end up forgetting to do them! What sort of things you might say? Well flipping the mattress, changing the A/C filter, checking all smoke alarm batteries, cleaning fan blades, etc! So take a moment to figure out what your home needs in terms of maintenance and cleaning, then go ahead and fill in some reminders in your calendar. This is a great task to tackle now that the year has just begun!

3 lists should make and keep at home

So tell us, what other home related lists do you keep to have your home in tip-top shape throughout the whole year? Comment below.