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Good ideas to keep the kitchen shiny and clean!

The kitchen is the part of the house that tells more about you. A clean kitchen not only helps make the process of food preparation more pleasant but also guarantees good health.

To clean the cabinets

Mix 1 cup of water and half a cup of vinegar. Stir everything well and pour the mixture into an atomizer. To give a nice disinfectant smell, you can add a couple of drops of eucalyptus oil. This unique solution is capable of eliminating lime deposits and grease stains.

To clean the sinkKitchen Sink

Ammonia combats tartar well in the sink. Add a little ammonia to water, apply the solution to the surface and rinse with hot water after 10 minutes.

To clean the microwave

You will need water, a container for water and 2 tbsp. of white vinegar.

Pour water and vinegar on to a plate, put the plate into the microwave and turn it on for 5 minutes. Then, let the vapors of the vinegar take effect for a while to dissolve the dirt on the walls of the microwave and start to wash it inside.

To clean the oven

clean oven with baking sodaTo clean the oven, you can use the following method. Take 1 teaspoon of baking soda, add 1 tablespoon of dish detergent and a sufficient amount of water to obtain the consistency of a pancake batter. Apply the paste on the stained surface and let it take effect for 15 minutes. Next, wash the oven.

To clean your gas stove

Clean your gas stove with clothing detergent.  Dissolve it in warm water to obtain a thick cream-like mass. Apply the paste on the stove for 15 minutes. Rinse the surface with warm water.

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