In Tips from Experienced Technicians

Tips for Cleaning an Electric Iron

Keeping an electric iron clean is important to help it operate more smoothly and prevent stains on your clothes. This guide will help provide some advice for getting rid of any residue or dirt for the next time you iron your clothes.

Electric Iron Maintenance Tips

Just like any other piece of equipment, electric irons require regular maintenance to stay in good working order. Keep it in top shape will help it last longer and perform better. Here is how:

Here are some basic tips:

Always check to see if the cord and plug are in working condition. If there are any cuts, breaks or damage to the line, it is time to replace it.

If you plan to get a new one instead, choose a unit with a sole plate or non-stick surface for easier future cleaning.

Taking Care of Electric Irons

Vinegar is great for cleaning off a dirty iron. There are also cleaning solutions available to assist with tough grime.

Different materials require different amounts of steam. Make sure your settings are correct for ironing cotton, nylon, or silk clothes.

Apply your cleaning solution to the iron and then plug it in to warm up. When it heats up a little, use a towel to wipe away any grime.

After wiping, heat the iron until any odor disappears.

Different materials require different amounts of steam. Make sure your settings are correct for ironing cotton, nylon, or silk clothes.

If you want to spray extra water on your clothes, it is best to use mineral or rainwater. Try to keep your hands dry to avoid the chance of electrical shock.

When you are finished ironing, always wipe down the iron. Careful, it is hot!

Never iron your clothes on anything other than an ironing table.

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