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Top Freezer or Bottom Freezer?

Evaluate the Design and Needs of Your Home and Choose the Refrigerator That Fits Them!

In recent years, fridges have incorporated a freezer in the lower area of the set. Not many years ago, we can remember that it was common to see the freezers on top of the fridge. Experts claim that this is absurd and does not have much logic.

But the latest trend is to see refrigerators with the freezer on the bottom. This may have changed due to a simple anatomical reason. After all, the old arrangement forced users to bend over to pick up foods that were used more often, such as fruits or vegetables. Additionally, the uncomfortable crouching position to search for food also contributed to a more significant loss of cold air, since the door had to be open for a longer time.

The French Door

Bottom freezers on a fridge

One model that is becoming fashionable is the ‘French Door.’ Considering that many users buy more refrigeration products such as vegetables, beverages, cold meats or sauces, the hierarchy of the refrigerator is reversed. The fridge moves up, and the freezer goes to the cabinet below. The vegetables are at a more comfortable height to access them, and the refrigeration products are more at hand.

But the freezer can be more uncomfortable to manage. In these fridges, you’ll have to organize the frozen products in towers, so if you put the pork on the bottom, you have to wait to finish all the beef and the chicken or take out all the meats to grab what you need and then reorganize. These types of refrigerators are more practical for people who buy more refrigeration and often freeze products.

So if your family grew or the time has come to update to a new appliance, consider this guide when buying a new refrigerator!

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We repair all brands of refrigerators and freezers, diagnosing and getting them fixed as soon as possible. Get an estimate!